This listing is for ~200 Beard's tongue Penstemon grandiflorus seeds. Wiki says, Penstemons are among the most attractive native flowers of North America. The kind I have here are Native to central Oklahoma, USA and are Stunning in Early Spri...
This listing is for 100 Black Mulberry Morus nigra seeds. Black Mulberry is very sweet. These black mulberry seeds are fresh and hand selected to ensure high germination. Grow your own tree with these seeds, then make Jelly, Jam, wine, juice, ...
This listing is for 5 castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) seeds The seeds contain between 40% and 60% oil that is rich in triglycerides, mainly ricinolein a known toxin to humans. According to the 2007 edition of Guinness World Records, this ...
This listing is for 50 Southern Catalpa Tree - Catalpa bignonioides seeds. AKA - The Fish Bait Tree. Fast growers, Catalpa Trees typically grow to 12 meteres/39 ft tall and 6 metres/20 ft wide, making it an excellent quick growing shade tree....
This listing is for 40 Cock's Comb - Celosia cristata seeds. Cock's comb is one of the most unique Amaranth flowering plants I've ever seen. The Huge, bright crimson electric pink flower is the most striking, always catching my eye in utter d...
This listing is for 300 Rumex crispus - Curly Dock seeds The docks, genus Rumex L., are in the buckwheat family Polygonaceae. Dock is deemed a survival plant. A plant to know, especially during hard times. Native American tribes have consider...
This Listing is for 40 Desmanthus illinoensis seeds. Commonly called: Prairie Bundleflower, Prairie Mimosa or Slenderlobed Bundleflower, Dragon's root. Excellent wildlife food and cover. Unique and Beautiful flowers. The root-bark of D. ill...
This listing is for 40 Devil's Claw - Proboscidea parviflora seeds Proboscidea is a genus of flowering plant in the family Martyniaceae, some of whose species are known as devil's claw, devil's horn, ram's horn, or unicorn plant. The plants pr...
This listing is for 40 Liatris seeds. Most Liatris have roots that contain inulin, a polysaccharide obtained from the roots of certain plants which can not be metabolized by humans, but is considered a mild liver and kidney tonic. Plain tribe...
This listing is for 100 Drummond's Aster - Aster drumondii seeds Beautiful Purple Asters Bloom September through October bringing delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when most flowers are finished blooming. Thank you for ...