The Vidar series created by Milagro is distinguished by a simple, modernist form. The innovative cuboid designs are hand made from high quality alloy and locally sourced natural wood, creating an individual look paricularly suited to modern living or...
The Vidar series created by Milagro is distinguished by a simple, modernist form. The innovative cuboid designs are hand made from high quality alloy and locally sourced natural wood, creating an individual look paricularly suited to modern living or...
The Vidar series created by Milagro is distinguished by a simple, modernist form. The innovative cuboid designs are hand made from high quality alloy and locally sourced approved natural wood, creating an individual look paricularly suited to modern living...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted luminaires with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source,...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted luminaires with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source,...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted lamps with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source, ideal...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted lamps with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source, ideal...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted lamps with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source, ideal...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted lamps with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source, ideal...
The BALI collection includes four unique flush-mounted lamps with a modern design - two round and two square ones, in black and white. These stylish compact lights are constructed from high quality aluminium and offer a subtle recessed light source, ideal...