The instruments of the Series 2600 B are the industry's leading solution as a current/voltage source and measurement tasks. This text is machine translated.
The switching system3706A with optional high performance digital multimeter offers six slots for plug-in cards and is placed in a compact housing with a height of 2 U (89 mm), which is good for applications with medium and high-channel number. In the...
Keithley 3706A High Performance Digital Multimeter (DMM) with Six Slots - Keithley 3706A, The Keithley 3706A is a High Performance Digital Multimeter (DMM) and contains six slots for plug-in cards in a compact 2U high (89mm) enclosure. The multimeter...
Keithley 3706A High Performance Digital Multimeter (DMM) with Six Slots - Keithley 3706A-S, The Keithley 3706A-S is a six slot system switch mainframe. This mainframe unit contains six slots for plug-in cards in a compact 2U high enclosure that easily...