The circuit breaker is the circuit breaker for short-circuit protection. The circuit breakers from Siemens, an important component of SENTRON protection components for electrical installations, provide effective protection for people and systems by safely...
Circuit breaker switch 400 V 10 kA, 3-pin, B 20 AThis text is machine translated.
The circuit breaker is the circuit breaker for short-circuit protection. The circuit breakers from Siemens, an important component of SENTRON protection components for electrical installations, provide effective protection for people and systems by safely...
Circuit breaker switch 400 V 10 kA, 3-pin, C 25 AThis text is machine translated.
The circuit breaker is the circuit breaker for short-circuit protection. The circuit breakers from Siemens, an important component of SENTRON protection components for electrical installations, provide effective protection for people and systems by safely...
The circuit breaker is the circuit breaker for short-circuit protection. The circuit breakers from Siemens, an important component of SENTRON protection components for electrical installations, provide effective protection for people and systems by safely...
RC unit, 4-pole, type AC, In: 40 A, 300 mA, Un AC: 400 V The RCD is the residual current device for touch protection. The patented residual current protective devices from Siemens are an important component of the SENTRON protective devices for electrical...
Circuit breaker switch 1+N-pin with trigger characteristic B. The rated current is 16 A with a rated breaking capacity 6 kA at a rated voltage of 230/AC. This text is machine translated.
Protect and monitor end circuitsProtective devices such as miniature circuit breakers or fire protection switches are used close to the consumer in terminal circuits. In the event of overload, short circuit or arcing, disconnect the affected circuit from...
Protect and monitor end circuitsProtective devices such as miniature circuit breakers or fire protection switches are used close to the consumer in terminal circuits. In the event of overload, short circuit or arcing, disconnect the affected circuit from...