These diodes have a metal-semiconductor junction instead of a P-N junction. Switching times can therefore be less than 0.1 ns. This makes them suitable for fast digital circuits and microwave systems.
Configuration (diode): Single; Enclosure type (semiconductors): D²PAK; Forward current I(F): 30 A; Forward voltage U(F): 550 mV; Forward voltage reference: 15 A; Manufacturer code (components): DIO; Mounting type: Surface-mount; Operating temperature...
These diodes have a metal-semiconductor junction instead of a P-N junction. Switching times can therefore be less than 0.1 ns. This makes them suitable for fast digital circuits and microwave systems.
Configuration (diode): Single; Enclosure type (semiconductors): DO 213AB; Forward current I(F): 1 A; Forward voltage U(F): 700 mV; Forward voltage reference: 1 A; Manufacturer code (components): DIO; Mounting type: Surface-mount; Operating temperature...
Configuration (diode): Single; Enclosure type (semiconductors): DO 213AB; Forward current I(F): 1 A; Forward voltage U(F): 700 mV; Forward voltage reference: 1 A; Manufacturer code (components): DIO; Mounting type: Surface-mount; Operating temperature...
The ZPY 1 is a in forward-operated Si diode.This text is machine translated.
Enclosure type (semiconductors): D2.5x12; Forward current I(F): 1 A; Forward voltage U(F): 36 V; I(FSM) 50Hz: 0.50 A; Mounting type: Through-hole mounting; Operating temperature (max.): 120 °C; Reverse leakage current I(r): 2 µA; Reverse recovery time...
Enclosure type (semiconductors): D2.5x12; Forward current I(F): 12 A; Forward voltage U(F): 60 V; I(FSM) 50Hz: 0.50 A; Mounting type: Through-hole mounting; Operating temperature (max.): 120 °C; Reverse leakage current I(r): 2 µA; Reverse recovery time...
Enclosure type (semiconductors): Ø 7.3 x 22; Forward current I(F): 0.5 A; Forward voltage U(F): 10 V; Forward voltage reference: 500 mA; Manufacturer code (components): DIO; Mounting type: Through-hole; Operating temperature (max.): +150 °C; Operating...
Enclosure type (semiconductors): DO 201; Forward current I(F): 3 A; Forward voltage U(F): 1.1 V; Forward voltage reference: 3 A; Manufacturer code (components): DIO; Mounting type: Through-hole; Operating temperature (max.): +150 °C; Operating temperature...