Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
1A Low Dropout Regulators LM2940CT - Texas Instruments LM2940CT-12/NOPB, Low dropout positive fixed voltage regulator, designed for vehicular applications. Texas Instruments LM2940CT-12 12V 1A Low Dropout Regulator
Integrated circuits from leading manufacturers. Please read our extensive documentation which is free to download.
1A Low Dropout Regulators LM2940CT - Texas Instruments LM2940CT-5.0/NOPB, Low dropout positive fixed voltage regulator, designed for vehicular applications. Texas Instruments LM2940CT-5.0 1A Regulator