Pequin Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum), also known as Bird Pepper and sometimes spelled Piquin, is perfect if you have limited space in your garden to grow chili peppers. The compact plant will produce 1/2" to 3/4" peppers that pack plenty of heat ...
Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), is most common for Mexican cuisines such as refried beans, soups, chilis, etc. Grow your own at home! Pinto beans can be harvested early as a snap bean, or mature to be a dry bean. Plants will grow to 18-24" with a...
Purple Top White Globe (Brassica rapa) is the most popular of all turnip seeds and also a favorite to many. This biennial will produce large, round, pink to purple crowns that are 3"-4" wide with sweet and tender white roots. The mild green tops m...
Silver Queen Sweet Corn (Zea mays) is arguably one of the most popular sweet corn varieties. Many growers will agree that white sweet corn is slightly sweeter than yellow. SU variety which is late season. Will produce 7"-8" ears with 14-16 rows of...